Fruit Picker Tool NG-FP-5555

To pick fruits, NG-FP-5555 is another Fruit Picker Tool required, specialized in fruit picking. The “pickability” is made easy with efficiency using the tool. Fruit picking from the long branches is not so challenging these days. The technology is maintained through developing types of long-reach pruners. The NG-FP-5555 fruit picker provides high performance when handling long branches of trees. Nature Gold, has been operating in the market for many years to supply the finest quality gardening tools.

Key features:

  • The NG-FP-5555 Fruit Picker lets the users harvest fruit trees, vines, and shrubs. It reduces the risk of injury, by giving the safety lock element.
  • The device has a soft, flexible basket bag that is made of high-quality material, which makes it simple for users to harvest the fruits.
  • When harvesting, the fruit picker tool keeps the fruit safe from damage or bruising. The design of the basket also ensures that fruit does not fall, even when you are harvesting in tall trees or accessing high branches.

Tool Description :

Weight 950 gm 4 mtr /157.48″ 16-pronged mader of Strong Steel Basket Bag made with high-Quality Fabric Big Basket Bag ( 19cm, 7.48”) High Release 1.36 mtr to 4 mtr Grip Handle Safty Lock NG-FP-5555

Tool Features:

  • Ideal for reaching high branches 
  • Excellent for trimming trees
  • Improves the health of trees or shrubs by removing unwanted branches
  •  Useful for picking any fruits that are too high on trees and shrubs

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